Dear volunteers…
I want to start this letter with two quotes that come to mind as we begin the tedious process of bringing the Pet Prescription Team organization back to life.
“Accept what is, let go of what was, and have faith in your journey.”
“Don’t be scared to walk alone down the path less traveled and don’t be scared to love every minute of it.”
On March 18, 2020, As I walked out of Whitten Heights, I did not know that the path ahead would no longer be what I had been familiar with for the past 18 years. The landscape would change suddenly and the journey I had once known would no longer be.This new direction was not only my journey but all of our journeys in this past year.
Much has happened in so many of the PPT volunteers lives in this past year. The list of life-changing events has ranged from the passing of PPT therapy dogs, loss of family members, loss of jobs, illness of contracting COVID-19, retirement of PPT dogs and continued isolation from those we love and visit. If we were to only live within what has happened, it would be extremely difficult to rise above where we have been for over a year.
Eventually though, most of us have settled in some part of our life over the past year. We have had to let go of certain ideals and dreams, we’ve had to learn to compromise, and we have had to make trade-offs in our everyday lives and accept this was our new reality. We gradually learned that we can’t have everything we want, because not every outcome in life can be perfectly controlled. Truly, if we’ve learned anything, acceptance of where we are would be our theme. But if we pay close attention, we also learned we can make the best of every outcome if we kept our attitude in check and dealt with it appropriately.
I know you're thinking; “So now, how do we move forward?” “All of this is perfectly wonderful analytical information, but I want to visit now!”
I will outline below what has been taking place within the organization to pave a pathway back to actual visitations at our facilities.
A lawyer that will outline the Policy of the Pet Prescription Team organization has drafted A document. This document titled;( ASSUMPTION OF THE RISK AND WAIVER OF LIABILITY RELATING TO COVID-19) will need to be signed by each volunteer, and they must meet all requirements before returning to visitations.
(This same waiver will be on file with the Pet Prescription Team insurance company.)
WHAT IS REQUIRED BY YOU AS A VOLUNTEER before returning to visitations:
As a volunteer of PPT, you will be required to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 at least two weeks prior to taking part in any event or visitation.
As a volunteer, you will need to provide PPT with proof of such vaccination
As a volunteer, it will require you to sign an, Assumption of Liability annually that will be on file with PPT.
As a volunteer, it will require you to have your dog re-evaluated at a scheduled time within the month of April and May 2021.
As a volunteer, it will require you to wear face coverings and follow all protocols set forth by the Pet Prescription Team organization or healthcare facility.
And these new implemented requirements collectively will lead to an interesting question:
Are you willing to follow these new policies?
When should you settle or compromise, and when should you continue fighting hard for what you ideally want to achieve or believe?
I don’t hold the answer to those questions, only you do. This pandemic has truly placed this organization in a non-compromising situation and we must follow these guidelines to be allowed back into facilities. Some may not want to be vaccinated and I can respect that but to continue with this organization, these are the guidelines and requirements that must be followed to be a volunteer. Only you know what you will do as a member and there is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, but when you encounter a situation that forces you to choose between compromise and fighting forward against the opposition, it might help to also ask yourself:
“Do I really need this, or do I just kinda want it?”
So you can decide if you will continue with the Pet Prescription Team organization, but I encourage you to think long and hard about this decision because we cannot compromise on our requirements.
I have enclosed within this email the; (ASSUMPTION OF THE RISK AND WAIVER OF LIABILITY RELATING TO COVID-19 document) that you will need to sign.
If you have been vaccinated, you will need to provide proof of vaccination to PPT.
You will send both proof of vaccination and signed ASSUMPTION OF THE RISK AND WAIVER OF LIABILITY RELATING TO COVID-19 form back via-email.
When responding, you will need to request an evaluation appointment by contacting, Jennifer Dentino at:
Re-Evaluations are scheduled for the following days in Yorba Linda:
April 10, 2021
April 11, 2021
May 8, 2021
May 22, 2021
I want each of the volunteers to know that I am contacting all facilities and letting them know we will provide our Covid-19 guideline to them before returning. Many of the facilities we have contacted appreciate our willingness to provide our plan of action and will be in contact with us when an opening date is provided for our return.
Before responding to any of the Pet Prescription Team Covid-19 requirements please review the checklist below. If you have fulfilled all the requirements you will either submit the information in its entirety by email or bring it with you to your scheduled re-evaluation appointment.
Pet Prescription Team Volunteer Checklist
Signed Covid-19 Waiver (Enclosed in this email)
Copy of volunteers Covid-19 Vaccination Card
(Volunteer must be fully vaccinated)
Re-Evaluation appointment scheduled
Pet Prescription Team Membership Dues Paid
Dog Vaccination Record
(Titer accepted for proof of current vaccination record)
In no way does this email imply that the Pet Prescription Team is back visiting. What it does mean is we are beginning a long process of following guidelines that will bring us back as an organization safely.
May you have a wonderful week and a safe Easter,
Krystal Emery
Pet Prescription Team
Healing Hearts Through Pet's
Los Angeles/ Orange County562-694-8090
San Diego County 619-334-1860
Twin Towers Jail Project
Theres No Place Like Home Project
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So excited that PPT is on its way back! 🐾❤️