Gentle Leaders are never to be used on any visit. If you are having issues controlling your dog please contact us and we will help you deal with the issues you are having. Please don't use this on any visit.
There is no doubt this has and was covered in every class we have offered in the past 20 years. The reason this is always discussed is because of the impression it gives to those we come in contact with in facilities. People tend to get attached to their initial impressions of others and find it very difficult to change their opinion, even when presented with lots of evidence to the contrary.
To many people Gentle Leaders give the impression of a dog wearing a muzzle. Yes, I am fully aware they are not muzzles. Muzzles are used to restrict a dog’s mouth shut. It looks very similar to a Gentle Leader, so it is not surprising that some people will believe that they are muzzles.
This is not a first impression that the Pet Prescription Team wants to convey on any visitation. Thus why I am asking any volunteer having issues walking their dog or having control issues to join me personally for help so we can work on those issues without corrective devices being used at a facility.
Atticus wore this to every training session with you. He has worn it to every event for PPT he has been to for the last 15mo. I will not remove it. So if this is a problem Atticus and I will no longer be a part of PPT.
All my dogs wear a gentle leader and will continue to wear one. You never stated during training a year ago that it wasn’t allowed. It’s not a controlling him issue, but a training issue. I train with one and will continue to. Even our 4mo old puppy wears one (the minute she started walks). She is the best puppy I have ever had that walks on a leash.
There is no doubt this has and was covered in every class we have offered in the past 20 years. The reason this is always discussed is because of the impression it gives to those we come in contact with in facilities. People tend to get attached to their initial impressions of others and find it very difficult to change their opinion, even when presented with lots of evidence to the contrary.
To many people Gentle Leaders give the impression of a dog wearing a muzzle. Yes, I am fully aware they are not muzzles. Muzzles are used to restrict a dog’s mouth shut. It looks very similar to a Gentle Leader, so it is not surprising that some people will believe that they are muzzles.
This is not a first impression that the Pet Prescription Team wants to convey on any visitation. Thus why I am asking any volunteer having issues walking their dog or having control issues to join me personally for help so we can work on those issues without corrective devices being used at a facility.
Is this a kind of leash/lead? It is a new term to me
All my dogs wear a gentle leader and will continue to wear one. You never stated during training a year ago that it wasn’t allowed. It’s not a controlling him issue, but a training issue. I train with one and will continue to. Even our 4mo old puppy wears one (the minute she started walks). She is the best puppy I have ever had that walks on a leash.