For the November 10th, There's No Place Like Home room makeovers at Whitten Heights I can still use volunteers. Specifically one volunteer for all time slots. If you can help out please email me at:

Ace Mask ( All Day)
Jennifer Dentinio ( All Day)
Krystal Emery ( All Day)
8:00-10:00 Volunteers
Carla Massucci (8-10)
Kim Gully (8-10)
Naomi Bodenstab (8-10)
10:00-12:00 Volunteers
KarenBarber ( 10-12)
Holly Merritt ( 10-12)
Far King ( 10-12)
Marge Boyce (10-12)
12:00-2:00 Volunteers
Cindy Durnal ( 12-2)
Wes & Patti Granlee (12-2)
Angie Jung (12-2)
Ginny & Rich Bullock (12-2)

I will be there all day with Ethel but representing PPT and CG so not sure that counts 😊